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The Quest- Youth (refer to 'The Quest tab for more detailed information) 


The Quest is run in three parts 

  1. 30 minute on- line preparation for the quest where we gather to begin our journey by creating a staff as a symbol of our leadership and much more.

  2. An in- person half day event, run locally (if you have 10-12 children locally SE/Central QLD

  3. 8-week group mentorship (online) in putting steps in place to create their vision before a Celebration - Families and friends coming together 




WISE KIDS QUEST DAY QUEST (pre-requisite for the 8 week journey, but can be done on its own) 


January 26th 

Friday 26th, 9am - 3pm - Biloela, Central Queensland



March 2024 

Sunday 24th, 9am- 3pm - Biloela



April 2024

Saturday 13th April, 11am- 5:30pm - Sunshine Coast (location to be finalised)


June 2024 

Sunday 16th, 9am- 3pm - Biloela 


(If you would like to run an event in your area or on-line please contact me)



THE 8 WEEK ADVENTURE QUEST- TERM 1 2024 (Foundation half day or 90 minutes Quest is  a pre- requisite) 


THE 8 WEEK ADVENTURE QUEST- TERM 1, 2024 (Foundation half day or 90 minutes Quest is  a pre- requisite) 

Starting at the beginning of February 2024 


NB Please send me an email at, send a message here or text/call me on 0427509206 if you have any questions.










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